April 26, 2021


    Fashion illustration is a picture of a model being depicted using a clothing design; this illustration contains images of the front view and the back view. This illustration typically illustrate clothing on a figure with exaggreted 9-head or 10-head proportions. The fabric on the model will be depicted according to its original shape; thick-thin, patterned-unmothed; and the surface structure of the fabric.


    When I received my first digital commisssion, to be honest I was shocked because someone came to me and asked for help by facebook messenger to design a fashion illustration with narrow deadline. This is my first experience in digital commission, so I came with many shortcomings in terms & condition of my services. I realized that after discussing with fellow artists, so this is the cause of this blog entry with the aim of exchanging information, both in terms of the commissioner and from the party looking for an artist to create an image commission.

   So, initially an acquaintance on facebook messenger looking for people who can make some examples of fashion illustration, so she contacted me at first place by providing examples of design. At that time I mentioned the price of my services around 90 thousand Rupiah per one design (front-back with full body image type). Unfortunatelly, because of the limited budget by the commissioner so she asked me to help find another artist & because my fellow artist I know has a higher price so it won't fit the budget. I finally received this commission with second condition, where I was paid 80 thousand Rupiah per one illustration design (front-back with full body image type).

    I know I'm very stupid, she's looking for me first but why should I also bother looking for artists with prices according to her budget. Forgive my boredom, but because she's someone I know and I think I can still work on it by a deadline of about 14-15 days so I took this commission even at a fairly cheap price. I feel quite good with fashion illustration because my basic is fashion design. So, this is not too difficult especially with the condition of the image that only flat color without rendering, so it's not a big deal for me.

    I managed to complete all the commissions and unfortunately haven't been able to upload the work because the person who commissioned me hasn't gone through the exam, so I followed the rules she made. I was promised several times, such as in December 2020 and February 2021 (where they had finished the exam). 

    In March I finally asked again about that certainty, and unfortunately I should not upload on social media because the lecturer recognizes the rights of his student's work and they should not admit that it is theirs. I was quite surprised because this never happened to me in college, where lecturers took some work to be re-researched (?) and used as material for his work, so that students could not upload the exam work.


After a discussion with my fellow artist, I finally found out what I made:

  • The first one : This fashion illustration that I made is included in the commercial work, "why?" because it will be used on many media, videos, book covers (included in exam assignments), merchandise and so on. The point is not only to be used as a wallpaper that is enjoyed by yourself but as a part that : "this is a work can represent the identity of the commissioner". Therefore it belongs to the commercial work.
  • The second is term & condition when receiving an image commission. I felt the sample design given to me was quite easy, so I agreed with the price reduction proposed by the commissioner, but when starting the work, it turns out that the image given is quite difficult regarding painting on the skin (body painting) with details quite complicated and contain animals in accessories carried by the model. 


    So the thing I should do is accept all the detailed designs that will be created by email, study them and determine whether it is able to take this job according to the details provided in the email. In my condition, when I saw the design sample given to me it looked easy but when I received the design details that I was going to work turned out to have a complexity that is quite difficult with painting on the body & face of the model (body painting) also accessories with animal shape detail.

    After brainstorming exchange with fellow artist who have been involved in digital commission for a long time, I should have no problem uploading the work. "Why?" Because I'm just an artist doing his job to create images according to the commissioner's request. I'm not a student who admits that it's my design, I'm just a person who redesigns it in digital form as part of my work also I can hide the commissioner name as regard to her request as well.

    Of course, I can add terms & conditions to my services stating that all the work I do will be uploaded on social media with the caption "commission" with the note that the resolution of the image is low and if the commissioner wants my work not uploaded, they should be prepared to pay more as compensation from my regulations above.

    I learned the mistakes and weaknesses in my terms & condition when opening digital commission and I hope I won't see the same thing like this again in the future. It's enough with just one experience because we hope everyone can learn from one bad experience that builds him/her up for the better.

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