

July 21, 2020

Pose in the huge banner (woah)

    On the day we failed to watch EXO concert (22/09/2019), I saw four huge events in Impact Arena Muang Thong Tani. The two of them is EXO PLANET #5 - EXplOration in BKK and The Untamed Fan Meeting in BKK.

    I wanna say thanks to God, because I can see the crowd event of these two.  The hall were they held the concert & fan meeting just side by side, so you can see the hype of each fandom. It's cute to see kpop fans gathered with pink clothes and the other side (the untamed fans) usually wearing kind of different ribbon which reflecting each sect.

    At the day of fanmeeting event of The Untamed, I have an inner debate. At one side, I want to come to a fan meeting event, but on the other hand also want to come to a kpop concert. So, I finally decided to come to the kpop concert, because I thought it would be better for me because in this fan meeting, the artists speak Mandarin and will later be translated into Thai, whereas I don't understand the language so I think it's better to come to kpop concerts only (atleast I've heard their song countless time).

    Something unique happened that day, we came to Muang Thong Thani Hall 5-8 (fan meeting place) to take pictures with banners. By the time we arrived at 4pm, almost all the merch had already sold out. At first, I wanted to shop but since the merch I was looking was sold out, I finally decided to keep it and I just did.

The cast of The Untamed FM in Thailand
Which section will you choose ?

The benefit of those zone.

    If you entering the hall 5-8, you'll be welcomed with these banners. It was gathered by lot of fans for taking picture together. Gla, I can took several photos with them (banners). 

    And here, I found banners from the fans of these actors~ Thank you for letting us take a picture here.
Psst, Yu Bin (Wen Ning) with Thai traditional costume is just wow !

    Going to main hall, you'll find Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and rabit mini garden photo place. I think the Wei Wuxian banners were really huge and beautiful with flower decoration. 

    I think I've fallen in love with Lan Wanji banner. Look at this photo place, even the flower bouquet is all blue and white, like the color of the Lan sect.

Here's the banner with all the cast of The Untamed artist that going to BKK fanmeeting.

    I really love Lan Gusu sect because it has blue and white color as their main color. Here's my footage of me and Lan Gusu's twin jade. Too bad, I didn't take photos with all the photo banners. I've seen Lanlin Jin Sect & Yunmeng Jiang Sect besides of Lan Gusu sect banner.

    Special footage of me with my favourite character - Wen Ning.

    Thanks for stopping by !

    The one who doesn't know The Untamed and now she's a certified fans ! Glad that our chit chat on the van, makes her curious about the series.

    Thank you for reading all my stories. It's one of my dream to see this event in front of my eyes. I've been watching the series from January 2019 (Donghua S1) and then read the manhua, plus the translated light novel and the last one is their drama named: The Untamed! 

    Here I wanna say my gratitude towards the production team and actors of The Untamed. I think their work were paid up with huge amount of fans who's loving the series even more. Furthermore, some actors and the production team were also nominated and winning on the filming award in China. I hope to see their new works soon in the other series. I've had high expectation of these teams and artists to work together in the future.

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