Kita Lo Gini 2

November 03, 2016

KLG poster and rundown day 1
Yay, the show was finish susccesfully ! Thank to the comittee and models . To be honest, this day (28/10) was bit .... to me .
Errrr. I personally said that designer can't do dual role in a day 😂 ya, me as a model for RTW slot 2 and as a designer for long dress in the slot 3 . Wwww /hope I receive 2 certificates/
My design, inpired by ribbon :) /sorry it's unfinished/
KLG is stand for "Kita Lo Gini" . This is the second event of student art festival and was held in ISI Denpasar. This's also the second time KLG was held. FYI this event was held 2 days, but I only appear on the first day✌ (28/10)
Rehearsal place
I was so delighted, bcs I can do my job well. But the bad thing is my heel hurt 😂 . Need a time to rest tho~
We do a fashion show around 7 P.M (RTW) and continously at 9 P.M (Men wear and Long dress) . I see many new faces here 😂 there're lot a models that I can't recognise~ 
Kak Anna do a make up and hair do :)

Finish ~ Luv da choker
After finish the first fashion show, me and my friends wondering around in the event. Still more time left till the next show. So we decided to buy a Teh Poci also take a photo in the welcome gate😤
This event is a combination of two faculties, the Faculty of design and performance~ and I see a lot of artists do murals and so on~ there also a booth for each major /sorry I did not take a proper pict/

We finish our journey /LOL/ . So we're heading to Natya Mandala Building which the models are stay for the show and ya me helping my model wearing the long dress. Huhuhu I did not take a pict with her, bcs the time to change so fast. 
Meet the stage . Makeup and wardrobe by Anna
The show just take a few minutes and the head of the fashion design program said thank you to all of us. Wa! Feel great!
We also enjoying the event.🎉
But too bad I didn't see a dresser that day nor a stand hanger either ! So I just take down my long dress in the floor😳
/my model is used for 2 designers, so I just wait till the time for my turn/
Ya, after we finish the show . We're heading to Citta Hasta Mandala Building to take our bag and go home. I forget to take my dinner , so I just eat it up there 😓 it's around 9 or 10 P.M 😟 omg.~
We take a lot of photoss in the studio!!!
P by Dayu Lestari . Edited by me

The end of this post is . .
I hope I can get 2 certificates from joining this event . I hope my heel will healing fast and hope all of you enjoy the event!
See you in the next post 🙏

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